A World Built on Steel

high quality and desirability that as a country’s standard of living and GDP rises so too does its investment in steel infrastructure. In Australia, we’re all about investing in Steel.Read More
Workplace Safety Tips Australia at Trufab Engineering
Health and safety are important in every workplace, but especially in industrial and construction settings. Considering the higher risks faced by workers in these industries it’s important to be very aware of best practices.
Specialised Transport Frames can help your Business
One of the services we specialise in at Trufab Engineering is the fabrication of steel transport frames. In this article, we’ll explain just what our specialised transport frames are, why they’re important, and the myriad needs they can be designed to meet.Why Are Specialised Steel Transport Frames Important?
4 Ways to Save Your Steel from Corrosion
Steel is a very popular material in everything from construction to infrastructure to transportation solutions. The one downfall of steel is that it can corrode quickly if not looked after properly. As leading steel suppliers in Perth, Trufab has a lot of experience with corrosion and how to prevent it, so we’ve put together this guide for the proper care of steel.
The Importance of Steel Fabrication in the WA Mining Sector
Steel is made of iron ore, a resource that occurs in all Australian States and Territories. However, almost 90 percent of identified resources occur in Western Australia. Australia is ranked first in the world for the amount of demonstrated resources, totalling 54 billion tonnes.
How to Choose the Right Steel Fabrication Company
There are many determining factors behind choosing the right steel fabrication company. First, you need to be able to determine what it is you need exactly, and then you should have a look at the company to see if you believe what they can offer works with what you require.
A Brief History of Steel Fabrication
Steel and metal fabrication is up there with some of the world’s greatest inventions. The manipulation of metal for human use has been going on for centuries, from our fabrication of armour and jewellery to our modern day uses of steel.
What is 3D Computer Aided Design (3D CAD)?
What is Computer-Aided Design, or CAD? It is becoming ever popular and increasingly used in many industries, including in steel fabrication, so it is important that you know a little something about it. CAD is the use of computer technology for design and design documentation. Using CAD software, in essence, replaces manual drafting with an automated process, creating repeatable and exact designs. These systems aid in the draft, creation, modification, analysis and optimisation of any design.